Apple iPhone 3GS User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

iphone, the same as before?

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Well, Im not impressed with this new iphone. The first one was a breakthrough, but now it seems like they only add a litt dish of salt to the original recipy. Its fast alright. Really fast. But it truly fail at some aspects. Has apple run out of brains in the office?I really think some features should be so obvious on a high-end product this is suppose to be, but apple certainly dont agree:FLASH ???Good camera??multitasking??Incall soundquality??Its a great game mashine allright. But it sucks at being a phone.

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The best phone ever

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First of all I am coming from the Sprint Instinct and I was never satisfied with that phone.  It had a lot of problems.  But Sprint said it was the Iphone killer so I thought I had a Sprint version of the Iphone.  Then I bought a Ipod Touch and was blown away with it so I knew I had to get the phone.  I played with my touch for about a month and then ordered an Iphone for me and my daughter.  The phone is awesome.  It is very user friendly.  The web is the best out there, and I have had a lot of phones.  It loads fast and the pages render great.  The mail is very easy and they alert you very well.  Text messaging a joy the way things are set up.  There are no words to explain the apps store.  There is truly an app for everything.  I live in the S.F. bay area I haven't had any problems with drop calls I use wifi way more than 3g but the times I have used 3g were nice.  It was almost as fast as the wifi.  I rate this phone very highly and can't wait to see what the fourth generation has to offer.

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It's a phone?

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I am rating this as a phone which it fails at. Sound quality is awful not to mention dropped calls. Games are great but isn't it a phone?Not good at all. Would show 3 bars and could not call out or recieve calls. Had to turn off and on. If I cought it I was lucky. Don't know how many calls I missed. Sorry this is not a good phone.

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The most complete smartphone AS-IS

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You don't need a load of explanation on why this phone changed the market and set the standard, though the ties to AT&T and Apple are way too strong to truly enjoy this device.  The screen and style are now a bit outdated and the lack of customization make you feel like you are a cow in the the big heard of i ecosystem.  The ui is still probably the best there is but, come on its time for a face lift.

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What A load Of Rubbish!

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There was all this hype over the iphone when it first came out and now it's just a big fat letdown.The camera is crap and there just introducing things that many other phones have had for years.The only plus is the apps which are great but they don't come preloaded and a lot of the good ones aren't free so your basically paying extra to make the phone better when the phone is already too expensive.Xoxo

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it's okay

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It's really, really great for music.  If you're into childish little apps and games, then it's great for that too.

It has pretty bad call quality, and I drop calls quite a lot.  My 3G barely ever works.  In addition, it's pretty damn ugly.  And so are the menus.  There is seriously no customization whatsoever.  The camera is also pretty disappointing. 

If you are connected to WiFi, the internet is amazing!  Very easy to use.  It also has great GPS and Facebook and Twitter apps.

It's a decent device, but as a phone, its pretty sub-par.

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Great Phone but........

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I have nothing bad to say about this phone. It is great. The bad part is , the network it is on. ATT is not a great network. I think ATT has just sat around and let Verizon pass them. Look at the 3G network map. Verizon is everywhere and ATT is pretty much no where.

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The i cant do phone

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The phone that cant do many things

Dont get me wrong its a nice phone but what good is a phone if the network sucks

I would never buy this phone even if it was free

But thats just my opinion others think it is the best phone out

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great phone

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 This phone is great. good camera call qauility and has the best touch screen availible. The people who wrote the negative reviews only did that because they are verizon and sprint users even though att sucks. you will never be bored with this phone i have it. There is so much to do that you might forget to check your mail or something. I just wish it had a removable battery or something but i guess that makes it more sofisticated.

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 The iPhone 3Gs is a great phone, it does everything I need it to do and is capable of doing more. There are some annoying things about it, like the fact that you have to press back to close the text field in messages and sometimes the accelerometer gets stuck going from landscape to portrait mode in the messages app. However the iPhone is hands down the best smart phone on the market. The multi touch UI is fluid and intuitive, no other phone matches the iPhone in this department. No it doesn't multitask, but look at the phones that do users are constantly complaining about slow performance and battery life. Well thats, because multitasking uses more memory and since those apps are running in the background they are still open and using battery power as well. To Rhett I understand where you are coming from with the magnifying glass, but if you into settings--->general-->keyboards and turn on caps lock when you double click on the arrow on the keyboard it will turn blue and that's caps lock. Also MMS does work, I've had my MMS working late Thursday night. Just update the carrier files from iTunes, you don't need to wait for At&t you can download them yourself and load them in if MMS is that big of a deal to you. Check attached photo if you don't believe me. I would also like timestamps too, I find that annoying as well. 

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first of all rhett,

the iphone DOES have caps lock - you double tap the shift key and it turns into caps lock.

MMS is part of the OS 3.0 and therefore has been implemented already

there is no arrow key to move the cursor while typing, you hold your finger down on it and the magnifier comes up with a cursor and you move it. read the finger tips on apple's site. - go there 

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The best phone

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This phone is the best every ! the reason I'm saying this is based on qualty. It can do anything that ANY other phone can do, better. It lookes great, fills great , works great, easy to use, does anything, and it is made be apple. Thats all there is to it. I don't have to say anything else. But I will, this phone is so nice that I will never have another type of phone ever. The best part about this phone is that it will only get better as updates come out. C apple gives iphone customers free updates every so offten. It may fix anything from texting, to battery life, to mms. which by the way apple didn't let that happen b/c of the pic quailty is not as good when you mms pic as to email. C when you email a pic it will turn out better! which emailing is free texting anyways. These mobileity store verizon, tmobile, etc have made texting to make more money. where if you have mobile data then you could email (aka texting)  for no extra charge with web browsing.

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The iphone 3GS is NOT perfect.   here is the list of what needs to be changed/fixed-Vibrate not very strong-MMS (they claim it is coming, but should have been here day 1)-Every line of texts need time/date stamp, not the random times the phones does-TEXT TONE per contact.  my old LG could do it, y not the newer phones.-the "shake to undo" feature can't be turned off-Slow to rotate to/from landscape -the "home" screen does not display in landscape-NO arrow key to move cursor when typing-Can't text to an email-once key pad is open in a text you have to go back to get rid of it.  makes reading texts hard-NO CAPS LOCK!-need character counter in texts-need to be able to run more than one app-BIGGEST PROBLEM  AT&T!!!!But with all that, i am keeping the phone just because of the internet.  But as soon as verizon gets the phone.  i am switching back. 

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iPhone Review

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I work for AT&T, but trust me, it doesn't make my biased. Quite the opposite in most cases, but we won't venture down that road.As far as this phone, the iPhone 3GS, there is nothing to compare it with. Seriously, there are a lot of cool phones out there, and many have some of the functions, but not one has all of the functions that can be done with the iPhone. 1,000,000,000+ apps and counting in the iTunes store. Get real! Get one!

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A phone even a old man could love.

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Did not realize this phone could be so easy to use. I'm all about music and this is unlike anything I have ever used. Speed of accessing pictures is fast, not like other cell phones I have had. Internet is simply the best.

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Love this phone!

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I was not suprised when I got this phone. I expected the best and I got the best. I pod feature is the best out.Looks of phone is so classy. Much improved over my old 3g.

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Very Nice Phone

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This is a very nice phone.I love watching movies on it. Music is super. I listen at work all the time.The apps are very good and not as expensive as ones for other phones I have had. Battery is good considering how much I use.Really love this phone.

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Got to admit I didn't believe the reviews, but I was wrong. This is one fantastic phone.I should have gotten one sooner.Watching movies is great. What can I say about the games and other Apps.It has won me over.

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Great phone

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This phone is realy a good phone it has great reception good batterie life.
The new 3gs makes a nice diffrence from previous iphones.
If you buy a mophie juice pack and it says its not compatible dont take it back charge the phone with the mophie and make sure its pluged in and let it charge all night.

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Nothing comes close

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There are over 50,000 apps to choose from the app store. Also there is a 3.2 mp camera with video recording and auotfocus. One of the better features about this phone is that the software constantly keeps updating wich makes the phone much better and operate more smoothly. This phone is twice as fast as the 3g and with saying that the internet is pretty fast. Also there are a lot of fun cases to put your iphone in. Now to get to  the bad stuff. First talking on the phone for 2 to 3 hours or going on the internet for 2 to 3 hours burns practically all of your battery. plus you might like a physical keyboard. [ touchscreen keyboard is very responsive with 3.0 update ] Another bad thing is that 1 minute you have 3g and the next minute you have 0 bars. Sometimes the internet crashes for some reasons bit im sure that will be fixed with the 3.0 software update. And lastly the phone heats up when you use it like a daily cellphone user. But these are just minor bugs that will eventually be fixed. I've had thge pre and storm. DONT GET EITHER. I will explain in another review on here later. But overall no phone can touch the iphone #gs. Not just in the country, but in the whole entire world. O yea i forgot to say that wifi is included in the iphone and  you can use this phone around the world. The pre , storm, my touch, touch pro 2, and instict dont stand a chance. Thanks, hope you found this review helpful.

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I am a huge cell phone buff, i usually switch my phone every 6 moths to a year, but with this phone i have not needed to do so, i upgraded from the 3g which i absolutely loved to now my 3gs which is incredible. The speed the usability and just the overall functionality of the phone is stellar. I dont know how i would ever go back to another phone after having this one.

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Best phone yet!

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My iPhone is my life! Everything i need is right on it, like texting, pictures, calls, notes, calculator, my ipod, and even the apps. Calling and making three-ways are extremely easy and i think the connection is great. I love the SMS texting and the set-up. The new software was deffinatley a step up, however i did not download it yet on my phone. The fingerprint management is poor, but it's easy to clean or wipe off. I would perfer getting a hard shell case with this phone, because i did get some nasty scratches on the back. I can do anything with this phone and i love it! However, if you talk on the phone for about 2-3 hours, i would recomend fully charging your phone.
There's so much to do with it!! Best phone yet.

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Most Practical, UserFriendly, and Useful Tool.

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This is NOT a phone!!!  This is a tool with ability to make calls.  I had the 3G version for about a month when 3GS version came out -- and the changes have much improved what was a great product to begin with.  The first product that didnt have anything I didnt need -- all programs I use -- no extra clutter, which you can download for free if you really want it.  It is much faster then the predessessor, both in processing and speed.   I dont need a navigation system in my car anymore.  I dont need internet at home anymore.  I dont need some of my handiman tools anymore (level, compass, tapemeasurer, etc)  I dont need my airhockey table anymore, lol -- free program to download. Google Earth is a free program that tilts with your phone as if you're looking at the landscape from a plane window.  You have an iphone -- you have all these things.
Oh, the typing (or mistyping) on the screen is improved by 300% imo.  I have not misstyped anything since i had the 3GS model.  This cannot be replaced by a traditional querty phone because the ability to change the keyboard to any language you want easily while you type. 
Must mention the drawbacks though.
1.  Hmmm...
2.  I'm sure there's a couple
3.  Oh it has had a brain-fart: it froze for a moment once. (the 3G older version did that maybe 3 times while i had it.)
4.  Everyone wants to play with it.
5.  Asks you if you want to "save the location" all the time (a feature that confuses me but easly turned off)

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I reccommend it

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I got the iPhone 3Gs about 2 weeks ago and love it. I have had a smartphone for about 3 years (At&t 8125, 8525, and the Tilt) and would say the iPhone is just a good if not better than the HTCs. If you are looking for a phone, music device and entertainment product in one device. This is it. The 3Gs is far faster than the 3G one.

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ATT Customer Service???

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First I'd like to say how much ATT customer service S!@#%!!!  They are idiots.  That said, ATT has the better reception in the area I live.  I cannot get one of these phones to save my life.  I ordered one through apple online.  After over a week of the phone not being shipped I made my way to the apple store.  They had them in stock. I canceled my online order and suddenly my upgrade date changed to September!!!  I was told by apple I now had to pay full price for this phone.  I then went to the ATT store across the street.  They could not help me b/c I apparently ordered the phone online and it was out of their hands.  I spoke to ATT customer service (oxymoron) and the person I spoke to could not comprehend my situation.  It was like a broken record, "your upgrade date is September, blah, blah...  I finally spoke to a supervisor over the phone who told me I could now only buy the phone thru ATT b/c the note in the computer is only available to be viewed by ATT.  I ordered the phone on Monday.  Was told phone would be shipped shortly and as of today has it been shipped....NO!!!  Has customer service and common sense been thrown out the window b/c the computer says so???  Thanks for letting me vent.  Sincerely, love the iphone but think ATT are idiots.

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FCC OKs Cingular\'s purchase of AT&T Wireless