The Alcatel OneTouch T’Pop goes even lower on the affordability scale to downright cheap. The compromise is 256MB of RAM and Android 2.3 Gingerbread at the same 3.5-inch display and 1GHz processor.
This device is also known as
Alcatel 4010, Alcatel 4010D
Thick body (0.48 inches)
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The Alcatel OneTouch T'Pop is most commonly compared with these phones:
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Alcatel OneTouch T'Pop specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
Alcatel (the mobile phone unit), and its parent company, TCL Communication had a whole collection of new mobile smartphones on display at CES 2013 in Las Vegas. Some are small, some are large, and some are "teeny tiny."The One Touch T'Pop is the tiny...