AT&T Quickfire User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

open a manual

Phone owned for more than a year

ok the phone has some screen issues but if it held as they tell you to those issues go away, the phone battery can be bit shotty if you charge it with usb not the wall charger so uses the wall charger or the car charger i get 3 to 4 days out of the phone with light txt and net uses 2 to 3 days with heaving txting, and the phone talk time is honestly a joke but that not an issues with me i rather txt any ways. the phone dose do data transfures via blue tooth i saw 2 or 3 coment that said it didnt so they are just on crack in fact you can teather using blue tooth as well to your laptop or pc and att dosn't seem to pick it up as theathering as well so that a plus and when i would speed test it with the 3g net here in cleveland i would hit 3 to 4 mbs witch is better then what i get out of my other 3g phones small issue setting up my gmail with it but honestly gmail never go smooth with any none smart phone for some reason. great mp3 player even was abile to spoof divx on to the phone using the older build for android 1.6 so got it playing mp4 files avi files with divx compression on them few small mods to this phone and it f**ken great you just have to be willing to read your manual and be willing to mess with the gnu a little and you can get access to most of the droid market place so in other word dont be scared to think or uses the phone like the lunix gnu that it is honestly I think this phone gave birth to the android its not quite the full gnu a droid is but it the most compleat gnu i seen in a phone that was put out before droids where.

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Phone owned for more than a year

I have had this phone for more than a year and I see absoluty NO problems with it. I couldn't be any more happy with it. It is very stylish and can text very easliy. The ONLY throwback (very small and not annoying) is that the camera may take a little while to snap the pic. I would totally reccomend this to a friend!!

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What's the problem?!

Phone owned for less than a year

I have had this phone since November, and it is BRILLIANT! I don't know why everybody is sayng the charger doesn't work, or it freezes; it's NEVER happened to me before! The only glitch is that, sometime, the vibrate will not work, but there is an easy way to fix it: Just change the profile to general, and set the alert type to vibrate, it's not that HARD! I would definatily reccomend this to a friend!

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What is there not to like?!

Phone owned for less than a year

I have had this phone since November, and it is BRILLIANT! I don't know why everybody is sayng the charger doesn't work, or it freezes; it's NEVER happened to me before! The only glitch is that, sometime, the vibrate will not work, but there is an easy way to fix it: Just change the profile to general, and set the alert type to vibrate, it's not that HARD! I would definatily reccomend this to a friend!

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Eh...dont buy it especially if your a teen!!

Phone owned for less than a year

I had to get this phone after my at&t propel broke because it was free. I was nervous, because my friend had it before me and said it was crappy. I have had it for half a year now, it is very annoying, but I can deal. If you get too many texts at one time it shuts off. My first charger didn't work, but I ordered the new model from amazon and have had no problems yet. The vibrate doesn't work either:/ It shuts off very often. Don't buy it, but it's okay i guess

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Quickfire gtx75- sucks

Phone owned for less than a month

i got the phone for christmas and i have to charge my battery twice everyday. the touchscreen has bad response.... the phone freezes so often.... and worst of all u can not trasfer files via bluetooth........ NO TRANSFERING t

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awsome phone

Phone owned for less than a year

i got it for christmas last and i love it ........every thing is great........ it woorks perfact.................. no problems at alllll ;) never had any problems with anything ;) it is the best phone i have ever had the camera is rily nice recive txts faster athan any other phone i have ever had internet is fast never frezes

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most horrible phone ever made

Phone owned for

I recieved this phone last year, and the second the handler put it in my hands, the touch screen was unresponsive. He said it was just a glitch when you first get  it , but will go away in time, not true. After 2 months i called AT&T and i sent it back. Because I do not have insurance,  they sent me an all new quickfire, instead of a different phone. The screen was just as bad, and on this phone, the charger didnt work. Then i bought a new charger, did not work. I called AT&T for a new battery, does not work. I now have to weigh it down to charge, and if it is even touched, the charger comes out. Recently, the screen slowly turns all white. It is very bulky and doesn't fit in the average pocket. A few of my letters on the QWERTY keyboard are stuck, and sometimes unresponsive. Impossible to scroll down a page using the touch screen. There are almost no features on this phone. It has been recalled by AT&T, but they will not take it out of my hands, i have to buy myself a new phone. Worst phone i have ever used.

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Phone owned for

I just brought this phone yesterday and its the worst. My phone came fully charged, but after 5 hours it went dead. and once it goes dead. It restarts itself over and over again untill you take the battery out.  not to mention the touch screen, I had to keep touching the screen over and over again. I sent it back to the seller I never would suggest this phone to any one.

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Phone owned for

At first the Quickfire worked pretty well. The screen froze occasionally, but not enough to be worried about. The speakers are loud and usually very clear. The design of the phone would be very cool if you could actually use the features correctly. The touch screen now has stopped working all together making it impossible to do anything with the phone. The camera is poor along with the faulty charger (which has been recalled). You would think that because in has a Qwerty keyboard it would be simple to text but I've accidentally hit the call button while texting multiple times and the layout of the keyboard makes it hard to reach most buttons with your thumbs. Also, after having it for a while and sliding the screen back in forth it left a huge scratch where green light shines through. It gets worse and worse over time and I've been forced to get rid of it. The whole experience has encouraged me to switch carriers.

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Horrible Phone

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I fell in love with the design on AT&T's website. I said to myself that I just had to have it. I thought it would be cool to have a touch screen and a QWERTY keyboard all in one. When I got the phone delivered to me I was filled nothing with excitement. Hours late I realized the phone's touch sensors would not respond. I am really disappointed. No wonder you don't see many people walking around with this in their hands. IT'S HORRIBLE. I have the phone now and am wanting to get a new phone. Please, if you are thinking about this, do not get it. You may fall in love with the nice, shiny design, but looks can be deceiving.

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not good

Phone owned for

I wanted to get the Quickfire so bad because it looked really cool, the design and how large it was and it had all the stuff i wanted... however most of the reviews are terrible, the touchscreen supposidly sucks.and if reviews dont convince you thats its not a good phone than maybe the fact that it was discontinued and not even the at&t phones carry it anymore should give a hint that its not a good phone :/very disappointing i know

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AT&T Quickfire = Fail

Phone owned for

 This phone is lame. Cranked cheap out of China by PCD (or UTStarcom, they change their name frequently) the phone has a good design, however, the software is horrible. Using this phone, I frequently experience glitches (such as, tap one side of the screen, phone interprets it as some thing on the other side) freeze, and screen  malfunction. It is also built with plastic products, has no bluetooth file transfer, and a horrible camera. Not good battery life either. Recommend switching to reliable brands. If you want a decent, good texting att phone, get an unlocked nokia of the samsung impression.

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quickfire is good

Phone owned for

i had got the quickfire on july,1,2009 because it was free . when i first got this phone i thought it wouldnt be  good because of the comments.but when i got it it  work good .i have the phone for a month and is still works very good i have the iphone to

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AT&T Quickfire - NOT GOOD

Phone owned for

I was pretty excited to get this phone, I'm not gonna lie.  It has an attractive design, the screen is large and on AT&T's website it looked pretty cool.  However, this phone has been nothing but a PITA since I've owned it.
The touchscreen is awful.  That's the only way to put it.  It's completely unresponsive at times, it will click on random icons when you're trying to click something completely different, want to try scrolling?  Forget about it!  If anyone can accurately scroll with this thing without opening up some random menu or accidentally calling someone, I will pay them money.
Call quality is alright, however this thing drops calls ALL THE TIME.  I live in downtown Atlanta and there would be days were I couldn't make a single phone call!  The thing would just drop it the moment it connected.  On days where I could actually SPEAK to someone through my phone, it would last maybe 1 minute before dropping the call.  So it's a great paperweight in that respect, cause as a phone it fails.
The entire system lags.  Sending a text message?  Be prepaired to wait for awhile before the phone will respond to anything - this includes trying to get back to your inbox, send another text, or just LOOK at another text.  My other cheap phone was much much more responsive, and a better texting phone because of this.  While texting the phone will lag behind your keystrokes which gets to be pretty annoying as well.
The battery life is alright, I had to run the battery completely dead - then recharge it a few times for the battery to really start holding a charge.  I charge it every night, but if I don't it will be dead in about a 1.5 - 2 days.
AT&T somehow approved this phone, which is a worthless piece of junk.  I don't see why anyone would have approved this phone for production in its current state, it needs much improvement.  Probably a business move in order to maximize profits during the holiday season.
The Bottom Line:
The phone is slow, drops calls all the time, the touchscreen is bad but the battery is decent.  It fails as a phone, and succeeds only moderately as a texting device.  Don't buy this phone.

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The good phone that turned to horrible - AT&T Quickfire

Phone owned for

Months and months ago, I received the Quickfire for a Christmas gift.
I absloutely LOOVED the phone, until a few weeks later when everything just happened to go wrong with it.
The touchscreen wouldn't work - it would pick other options on the other side of the screen, and many other things.
It also would freeze up ALL THE TIME and automatically shut down even when my battery power was full.
I would be in the middle of a text message or phone call and I would receive another text, and it would just shut off almost like it couldn't handle so much.
My parents got me this phone the very first few days of it coming out in stores, I think I should've waited to see the reviews but whatever, we all make mistakes and that was mine on behalf.
I now have the LG VU, and it works great!
It's all touchscreen, but has no problems like the Quickfire.
I'd recommend the LG VU or the Xenon.
They're both outstanding phones and work immensely great.
If for some very odd reason AT&T happens to put the Quickfire out in stores again, I would not get it no matter what they say.
All it will do is cause stress and anger.

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Not a good phone

Phone owned for

I had this phone for a month before returning it. It's a great concept, but horribly designed. The touchscreen is frequently unresponsive and freezes without warning. Messaging on this phone was ok, but thats only because you have to use the qwerty keyboard which was pretty good except for the top row of buttons which were cramped underneath the sliding screen. The bad part was, to access many features on the phone, you HAVE to use the touchscreen. I had already been contemplating returning it and when I heard that it could start on fire, it was off to the AT&T store that afternoon. The Quickfire's concept really appealed to me, but its cheap design, horrible touchscreen, lack of features, and ability to kill me was really a turnoff.

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Phone owned for

These phones have been recalled by AT&T after they became the worst phone AT&T released.  The Liquid filled battery comment is retarded and the person who wrote it is completely wrong.  Be careful with this phone, if you put the original charger in the phone upside down it can cause a huge malfunction in the device and there have been reports of the batteries bursting violently.

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Phone owned for

Just letting you guys know...the reason why your battery won't charge mroe than 1/3 of the way is because it is a liquid battery. Liquid batteries charge off of "memory." This means that the level of the liquid in the battery depends on how long the battery will last.
Here is your problem
When you first got the phone, you probably charged it completely. The phone comes with a 2/3 full battery of life when it is opened out of the package. This means that if you charge it right away, that the liquid is only charging 1/3 of the battery, and because of the memory, that's all it will ever charge. Now granted for the first few weeks you will get a full charge, but over time, the memory will kick in and you will only get 1/3 of a charge.
Whenever you have a liquid battery, you need to let it completely drain the battery before you charge it. This means keeping the phone on until it literally runs out of power and shuts off. This means the liquid level is as low as it can get, and you should get a full charge for a VERY long time. I can keep my phone on for 3 days without it shutting off, and I got it within two weeks after it came out.
None the less, this phone is horrible now, and it freezes a lot. Don't get it

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Not what i expected

Phone owned for

When i first got this phone i was very excited but it turned out to be a great dissappointment. I have now had two quickfires, the first one would always freeze up and the touch screen wouldnt work for hours. i found it very frustraiting and so i got a refurb instead. when you recive two txts at the same time it continously vibrates. when you are composing a txt message and u recive another new message it will not let u type the message for a while until the message is completely recived. the battery lasts for a day and then needs to be recharged once u make a call half the battery goes down.when u drop this fone it is easily scratched and the batery flys off. i have tried to get a case for this and it broke within a week...i hope this helped and i strogly reccomend gettin any other phone than this, it has probebly been one of the worst phones ive had and i have gone through 8 phones in the past couple years.

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Phone owned for

Called at&t to replace phone for the screen freezing, gave the option of LG VU or Samsung Incite. Quickfires are junk

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Horrible phone

Phone owned for

i work at the at&t store and im so tired off exreamly mad people comeing and saying that they want there money back because their touch screen does not work and the battery will not charge if my manger sees us carrying one of these he will take it right out of our hands when we first put these up for sale we had twenty of them and 19 came back if you like touch screens than get the LG Dare but if you like the full keyboard get the Pantex Matrix

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Phone owned for

i got this phone less than a month ago & its amazing..everything except the battery life; i can leave it charging all night & it still only charges a third of the way...if you have ANY kind of solution for this pleaseee tell us. :) although it is PERFECT for the frequent texter such as myself.

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Phone owned for

The quickfire is complete DOO DOO!  They pulled it from the shelves today.  I work for AT&T and I'm relieved they pulled it.  I'm tired of dealing with pissed off teenagers when their touch screen stops working. 

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good texting phone (AT&T QuickFire)

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The Quickfire is aimed at younger generations of text-happy kids and, thankfully, it excels in pretty much every aspect of the messaging department. Whether your favorite means of word transference is IM, e-mail, or text messaging, the Quickfire handles each with ease. Conversely, if you’re one of those people who still prefers to actually talk on the phone the Quickfire makes clear calls, so you’re covered there, too. The QWERTY keyboard is spacious and easy to use, though the keys are a bit flat.Most of the other features – the HTML browser, the 1.3-megapixel camera, the touchscreen, and the battery life – are all average to slightly above average, but the real story is that they’re all included for $99. As the phone is marketed towards kids, though, most of the action is in the messaging features. The rest is a nice bonus.share your opinion at

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