yooSEND 1.0 for iOS wants to replace BUMP for your file-sending needs wip

YOOSEND Ltd. has launched a freefile-sending app for iOS, called yooSEND 1.0. Conceived as acompetitor to the popular BUMP, yooSEND offers an inbuilt filemanager, sending of multiple files without size limits, and notleaving a copy of what you just sent on any remote server. Thedevelopers have also added the ability to “attach” devices to theapp. This function is poorly explained, but for what we know, itrevolves around keeping a “contact list” of devices, so to say.Thus, users can send files to specific gadgets, instead of livecontacts.For now, Android and iOS devices can be “attached”, while PC andMac support will arrive in the future.
Furthermore, yooSEND uses pushnotifications to notify the user of new files even if the app isn'trunning, regardless of the users' location. If you are on a slownetwork or about to max your data limit, the app's "Pendingmode" lets you pause downloading of large files and resume oncea Wi-Fi connection is available. Downloads and uploads can run in thebackground, and incoming files can be rejected. In addition, yooSENDhas a built-in document viewer, multimedia player, and file searchingfunction.
For such a fully-featured app, yooSEND1.0 comes at the low-low price of free, and is available for iPhones,iPads and iPods running iOS 6.1 or later. You can give it a whirlfrom the link below.
Download: iOS

via AppCraver
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