Would you use the Google Assistant to call businesses?

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At Google I/O, we got a demo of a new feature of Google Assistant, called Duplex. Basically, Google wants to take its AI one step up to being an actual assistant and have it call businesses to check for open hours, schedule appointments and whatnot.

The demo, however, became a polarizing topic — some were amazed at the opportunity of having the AI do real-life calls without the user having to lift a finger or talk to a stranger; others found the fact that the AI is fooling real people into thinking they are conversing with a human, instead of a Google Assistant, to be a bit disturbing or even scary.

Duplex is still far from becoming available for public use, but we wonder — how many would love to use it and how many will stay away from it in the hopes of postponing the AI Overlord takeover?

Google Duplex - would you use it?

I'd use it for every appointment!
I'll try it out, sure, but no way I am relying on AI
I'm not touching it with a stick!

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