Here are the two new iPhone 13 ads you're bound to see on television in coming days

Apple has released two new television commercials for the iPhone titled "Edge" and "Shake." The latter commercial promotes the water resistance of the handset. As "Cold as Ice" by Bekon plays in the background, we zoom in on a woman sitting poolside with her Terrier. The dog is getting hot and is eyeing the cool refreshing water in the pool. As the woman sits in her lounge chair reading PhoneArena on her iPhone 13, the dog takes a flying leap into the pool.
After Rover, or whatever the dog's name is, exits the pool, the pet walks up to the woman whose eyes and expression suddenly change as she realizes what is coming next. The dog shakes to get dry and our heroine uses the back of her iPhone 13 to protect her face from getting splashed. The handset is getting soaked. But as Apple says in the YouTube listing for the ad, "Spill and splash resistant. Relax, it's iPhone.
"Shake' will probably be edited down to a 30-second spot for television although we wouldn't be surprised to see a 15-second version of the ad. The iPhone 13 has an IP68 rating which means that it is fully protected from dust and can be submerged to a depth of up to 1.5 meters of fresh water (nearly five feet) for up to thirty minutes.

The second spot is titled "Edge." It's late at night and an iPhone 13 is lying on a table ringing. The vibration from the calls is moving the device around the table until the phone falls from the edge of the table onto the floor. We don't actually see the iPhone 13 hitting the floor. we only hear the disturbing noise made at impact. Up comes the tag line: "Relax. It's iPhone 13.

The iPhone 13 line has an impressive build quality thanks to the Ceramic Shield which was first introduced with the iPhone 12. Created by Corning, the Ceramic Shield allegedly provides four times the protection that the previous displays had.
This video also appears to be destined to be edited into 30-second and 15-second ads that could soon surface during commercial breaks on your favorite shows and sporting events. The iPhone 13 series is the most popular smartphone line in the world and Apple has reportedly told suppliers that it expects even better sales numbers for the iPhone 14 series which will be unveiled some time during the next 8 weeks.
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