Twitter users will no longer see cropped images on Android and iOS

Twitter users will no longer see cropped images on Android and iOS
After adding support for 4K quality images, Twitter announced earlier today that Android and iOS users will no longer see cropped images posted on its social network. Starting today, Twitter features support for full-sized images, an important upgrade that many users asked for a long time.

Up until now, Twitter users had to crop pictures they wished to tweet to a 16:9 format, otherwise the system would to it for them so it could preserve the timeline uniformity. Last month, Twitter confirmed that it has started to test a new feature that would no longer require users to crop their images before tweeting them online.

It looks like the testing process was fruitful, as Twitter revealed today that it's now introducing “bigger and better images on iOS and Android,” a feature that's now available to everyone according to the company.

Long story short, images with 2:1 and 3:4 aspect ratios will now show in full on Twitter, so you won't need to crop them yourself before posting them. Here is hoping the quality of the videos posted on Twitter will be improved too, although we doubt that will happen any time soon.

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