Squid Game malicious app gets taken down from the Google Play Store

The now world-famous Netflix TV show Squid Game might have ended its first season, but you can still feel the ripples it created after dropping on the silver screen. Given its tremendous success, Squid Game attracted the attention of many who want to cash in on it, including app developers.
Currently, there are hundreds of Squid Game-related apps out there, and the Google Play Store houses more than 200 of them. Combined, they amount to more than one million downloads worldwide.
Unfortunately, this is also the perfect opportunity for scammers to work their magic and prowl on those indulging in the latest hype. That is exactly what has happened with a certain Squid Game-based app on the Google Play Store, which was taken down for being infected with malware.
Thanks to a cybersecurity researcher called Lukas Stefanko, it was discovered that “Squid Wallpaper 4K HD” (the app in question) was giving hackers the means necessary to send “malicious ad-fraud and/or unwanted SMS subscription actions.”In other words, neat traps for users to fall in and get scammed into losing their money.
The malware itself is called “Joker”, and it has been previously spotted in other apps on the Google Play Store. Stefanko states that Squid Wallpaper 4K HD was installed on about 5000 phones before it finally got taken down by Google. He advises those who already have the app to delete it immediately and run a virus scan on their mobile devices.
The moral of the story? Well, you should thoroughly check an app before downloading it, even if it comes from Google’s official Play Store. Similar apps can be found anywhere, so a bit more caution can go a long way to keep you protected. Also, judging by the example in this situation, you can assume scammers often go for a title that can attract the most users possible, such as wallpaper apps.
Currently, there are hundreds of Squid Game-related apps out there, and the Google Play Store houses more than 200 of them. Combined, they amount to more than one million downloads worldwide.
Thanks to a cybersecurity researcher called Lukas Stefanko, it was discovered that “Squid Wallpaper 4K HD” (the app in question) was giving hackers the means necessary to send “malicious ad-fraud and/or unwanted SMS subscription actions.”In other words, neat traps for users to fall in and get scammed into losing their money.
Squid Game themed Android Joker
— Lukas Stefanko (@LukasStefanko) October 19, 2021
1) downloads and executes native lib
2) native lib downloads and executes apk payload
Running this app on device might result in malicious ad-fraud and/or unwanted SMS subscription actionshttps://t.co/PTDtPlUkBypic.twitter.com/AFs8gkEuab
The malware itself is called “Joker”, and it has been previously spotted in other apps on the Google Play Store. Stefanko states that Squid Wallpaper 4K HD was installed on about 5000 phones before it finally got taken down by Google. He advises those who already have the app to delete it immediately and run a virus scan on their mobile devices.
The moral of the story? Well, you should thoroughly check an app before downloading it, even if it comes from Google’s official Play Store. Similar apps can be found anywhere, so a bit more caution can go a long way to keep you protected. Also, judging by the example in this situation, you can assume scammers often go for a title that can attract the most users possible, such as wallpaper apps.
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