Samsung unveils the perfect 5G phone display

The best '5G' OLED phone display is gentler on blue... and on battery

SamsungDisplay Unveils OLED Display Optimized for 5G Era
Holds global recognition for reduced blue-light emission and lower power consumption
Features 6.5 percent blue-light emission, the lowest in the industry, and 15 percent reduction in power consumption year-over-year
Leads in market-facing OLED technology improvements, as demand for smartphones continues to soar
SEOUL,Korea―February 27, 2020 ― SamsungDisplay Company today unveiled an optimized OLED display for 5Gsmartphones with newly reduced blue-light emission and lowered powerconsumption.
Thetech giant said that the latest smartphone OLED display has earned certification of ‘Eye Care Display’ from SGS and validation of‘Energy Savings’ from UL, for successfully lowering blue-lightemission and power consumption, respectively.
Accordingto an official from world-renown SGS, the newly developed OLEDdisplay emits 6.5 percent blue light, significantly lower than the7.5 percent level of the Samsung OLED smartphone panel released lastyear. SamsungDisplay noted that its OLED products also have about 70 percent lessblue light emissions than most current LCD smartphone displays.
Furthermore,UL reported that the power consumption has dropped by 15 percent. Theglobally-recognized testing agency evaluated the power level whilepeople were taking pictures, viewing news and entertainment, andsurfing over the internet. The average power consumption of newlyreleased Samsung Display OLED panels dropped from about 1.5W to 1.3W,amounting to the 15 percent decrease.
“5Gis expanding into a rapidly commercialized ecosystem where consumerscan be connected to 8K as well as 4K streaming services, cloud-basedgaming content and infotainment networks, increasing mobile deviceusage everywhere,” said Jee-ho Baek, vice president of the mobiledisplay strategic marketing team at Samsung Display. “Our5G-optimized OLED display is taking the lead in the 5G era with itscrystal clear imagery, distinguished designs, economical powerconsumption and increasingly eye-protective functionality,” headded.
Forabout 10 years, Samsung Display has researched and refined OLED —a highly efficient organic materialthat emits more light year after year with the same amount of energyor less —in staying ahead of the rapidly transforming smartphone market.
Recentindustry forecasts show the percentage of 5G smartphones in theglobal smartphone market is projected to increase from 14 percent(190 million units) this year to 50 percent (750 million units) by2024. Monthly smartphone data usage is also predicted tosubstantially increase from 7GB in 2018 to 32GB by 2024.
1)SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance): Established in 1878 andheadquartered in Switzerland. Specializes in inspection and testingservices with more than 2,600 research centers and branchesworldwide.
2)UL (Underwriters Laboratories): Aleading global safety science company.
AboutSamsung Display
SamsungDisplay Co., Ltd. is a global leader in display panel market, withOLED and LCD technologies and products. Samsung Display has sevenproduction facilities and five branch sales offices worldwide. Thecompany specializes in high-quality displays for consumer, mobile, ITand industrial usage, including those featuring OLED (organic lightemitting diode) and LCD technologies. As a total solution provider,Samsung Display strives to advance the future with next-generationtechnologies featuring ultra-thin, energy-efficient, flexible, andtransparent displays. For more information, please
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