Razer's anti-sweat finger sleeves for mobile gamers: badass or ridiculous?

Razer's anti-sweat finger sleeves for mobile gamers: badass or ridiculous?
PC gaming is becoming somewhat of a sport these days, and it requires plenty of "gear" to be done properly—namely a giant mousepad, low-latency peripherals, proper RGB ambiance, etc. (we're joking, of course). But there's no shortage of necessary and not-so-necessary accessories in every tech store for gamers' convenience.

But what about mobile gaming? It has certainly been on the rise over the past year or two, but have mobile gamers been left out by tech accessory stores? So far, there hasn't been much that mobile gamers have been able to purchase in the way of gear to stand out from the masses.

However, Razer seems to be changing the game when it comes to mobile gaming accessories, as they've just come out with the most ingenious thing ever: "gaming finger sleeves." If you didn't feel badass enough catching fat dubs on PUBG Mobile or Freefire, now you will.

These finger sleeves are designed to fix perhaps one of the biggest inconveniences competitive mobile gamers can experience, and that is finger sweat. Once it begins to accumulate, and your fingers start slipping and sliding across the screen, it can become difficult to maintain top precision and well calculated movements, and it can be quite frustrating at times—especially in the summer.

As your fingers get sweatier, the sweatier you get in the game, Razer's finger sleeve will make sure that not a drop reaches the phone screen, and that your touch sensation remains the same.

While the finger sleeves are advertised as non-slip, when Android Headlines tested them, they reported them to be slightly slippier than the regular skin-to-display sensation. However, it didn't get in the way or detract from experience in the least, and the bit of extra sliding actually helped with "finger placement and accuracy of movement and in-game actions."

Razer isn't the first to think up such a funny-looking contraption for mobile gamers, as some other companies such as SAMEO have also been selling finger sleeves for a while. However, they will be the first to make it a premium accessory, as Razer is known as something of a premium gamers' brand. 

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The finger sleeves are already selling for $9.99 a pack of two on Razer's website, although some may need more than one pack if they tend to use more fingers.

Previously, for the record, Razer had already dared step outside the gaming world into the more general "luxury accessories" world by introducing a prototype of Project Hazel, a full-on-RGB-decked gamer-style face mask to meet the everyday needs of customers during the pandemic. Who can take a guess as to what Razer will come up with next?

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