Making a whole song just with an iPad Pro

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*video tells the whole story, song at 8:23

Apple's iOS ecosystem (now including iPadOS) has always been home to a plethora of apps for creatives, musicians included. You've got tons of tools for composing, production, recording, mixing, and mastering. So, I wanted to ask the question — is it possible to create a whole song, from scratch, using nothing but the iPad Pro (and a guitar with an audio interface in my case)? Yeah, for the memes, I even recorded vocals with the iPad's internal microphone.

So, to answer my question — yeah, it's possible. It can even be fun... until you get to the mixing and mastering stage. Now, that's a nightmare, mostly because the mobile operating system still displays only one app at a time, one effect at a time, and you need to juggle between them like crazy when tweaking every little slider.

Here are the apps I used to make this song:

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