iOS 17 will bring two new cool features to your iPhone's Phone app

It's WWDC 2023, and Apple just announced iOS 17, its latest version of iOS. And with iOS 17, Apple will introduce two new interesting features to the Phone app on your iPhone.
Voicemail is not exactly a new feature. People have been using voicemails for quite some time now. But with Live Voicemail, you will now know "when to answer an incoming call," according to Apple.
With Live Voicemail, when someone calls you and decides to leave a voicemail message, you will be able to see a live transcription of the voice message on your screen in real time as they speak. And if the message is for something important, you will be able to directly pick up the call and speak with the person.
Also, Apple stated that Live Voicemail transcriptions are handled locally on your device, which preserves your privacy.
According to Apple, Contact Posters will be a "brand-new way to express yourself." With this new feature, you will be able to create a poster that will appear every time you call someone on the other person's phone. You will be able to use a photo or a Memoji as a poster. Your poster will also be part of your contact card.
But the best thing is that you will be able to customize your poster just like you can personalize your lock screen right now. For example, you will be able to change the poster's image, font, and color.
Live Voicemail
Voicemail is not exactly a new feature. People have been using voicemails for quite some time now. But with Live Voicemail, you will now know "when to answer an incoming call," according to Apple.
With Live Voicemail, when someone calls you and decides to leave a voicemail message, you will be able to see a live transcription of the voice message on your screen in real time as they speak. And if the message is for something important, you will be able to directly pick up the call and speak with the person.
Personalized Contact Posters
According to Apple, Contact Posters will be a "brand-new way to express yourself." With this new feature, you will be able to create a poster that will appear every time you call someone on the other person's phone. You will be able to use a photo or a Memoji as a poster. Your poster will also be part of your contact card.
But the best thing is that you will be able to customize your poster just like you can personalize your lock screen right now. For example, you will be able to change the poster's image, font, and color.
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