iPhone banned in Syria

While most of us use our phones to casually peruse the Internet, listen to music, or play a game to pass the time, the heart of cellular technology is in communication. The abilities of modern day smartphones has extended that communication from the limitations of voice between two parties to the ability to transmit voice, text, pictures, and video to another party or the entire Internet.
Syrian protesters have been using this technology to create a network of citizen journalism in the nation, especially since foreign press has been barred from the nation since March. Many of the videos protesters have published to the Internet from their phones are of violent crackdowns on protestors.
In an attempt to further restrict protesters, the Syrian authorities have banned the use of iPhones. One copy of the ban simply stated, “The authorities warn anyone against using the iPhone in Syria.” One Syrian activist warned, “It is enough for any tourist or guest visiting Syria to own an iPhone to be a spy suspect.”
source: Haaretz via Engadget
In an attempt to further restrict protesters, the Syrian authorities have banned the use of iPhones. One copy of the ban simply stated, “The authorities warn anyone against using the iPhone in Syria.” One Syrian activist warned, “It is enough for any tourist or guest visiting Syria to own an iPhone to be a spy suspect.”
There is no official word on if this ban includes all smartphones or only the iPhone specifically, but this isn’t the type of place we would recommend ‘testing the waters.’
source: Haaretz via Engadget
Things that are NOT allowed: