iPhone X will be available at Boost and Virgin Mobile on November 10

Available to pre-order starting today, October 27, the iPhone X will beofficially launched on November 3. However, only Apple and major carriers(Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint) will actually release the handset on thatday. Customers wanting to get the iPhone X on Boost Mobile or Virgin Mobilewill have to wait an extra week for it.
Both Boost and Virgin Mobile (which are prepaid brands ofSprint) announced that they're going to launch the iPhone X on November10. At Virgin Mobile,
Boost and Virgin Mobile have yet to share iPhone X pricingdetails. Nevertheless, we're pretty sure that both will sell the handset forthe same prices available everywhere else: $999 (64 GB model) and $1,149 (256 GBmodel).
We assume that Boost and Virgin Mobile have secured acertain (probably not high) number of iPhone X units for the November 10launch, even if Apple is dealing with stock shortages, and current pre-order shippingtimes are far from great. Thus, if you really want the iPhone X and you won'tbe able to find it anywhere else in the US, trying your luck at Boost or Virgin Mobilecome November may be worth it.
sources: Sprint, Virgin Mobile
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