iPhone 5 parody ad explores the ecstasy of sharing photos of your food
Ah, the new iPhone! We don’t yet even know whether it’d be the iPhone 5, the iPhone Amazing or something else Apple’s marketing gurus will come up with, but what we do know for sure is that you’d snap a hell lot of pictures of food with it. From there on it’s a routine - Instagram it, share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, wait for the likes, reblogs, retweets and finally, feel happy and satisfied.
That dopamine booster of sharing your food, has inspired Internet’s Adam Sacks, a web video artist, to come up with this brilliant parody of the new iPhone 5 and what it’d do, look like and feel, exploring it down to the tiniest part.
Well, in his vision, it’s very simple. But really, what do you use your iPhone or smartphone in general for mostly? Are you an email addict, photo junkie or just prefer the good old plain voice call?
Well, in his vision, it’s very simple. But really, what do you use your iPhone or smartphone in general for mostly? Are you an email addict, photo junkie or just prefer the good old plain voice call?
source: Adam Sacks via Gizmodo
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