iOS chief Scott Forstall profiled: "CEO-in-waiting"

iOS chief Scott Forstall profiled: "CEO-in-waiting"
A new book on Apple is coming up and after the company went through a major executive shuffle after Steve Jobs’ death, it says that iOS chief Scott Forstall is a “CEO-in-waiting.” Fortune’s Adam Lashinsky has written “Inside Apple,” about to get released on January 25th, where he categorizes Forstall as having everything that’s needed to head Apple.

Actually, Forstall seems fit for the job for one more reason - he is the closest person to resemble Steve Jobs among the company’s executive staff. How exactly? Well, except for being a brilliant engineer and manager, who knows how to get what he wants, he’s also got that very demanding character making him tough to work with, just as Jobs is often described.

Forstall is said to have "blatantly accumulated influence in recent years." One of the periods when the iOS head importance grew was also during Jobs’ medical leave throughout 2011. Forstall "wears his ambition in plainer view than the typical Apple executive," the new book suggests.

BusinessWeek profiled forstall in October last year and drew similar conclusions. Currently, Forstall is senior vice president of iOS software. It’s interesting to note that the “CEO-in-waiting” description however could also be partly due to the often subdued appearance of current chief executive Tim Cook. Apple’s marketing head Phil Schiller is another name also mentioned as the company’s most skilled speaker.

source: AppleInsider

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