Google plans to release 'proper' Pixel 2 XL slow unlock fix with Android P

Google plans to release 'proper' Pixel 2 XL slow unlock fix with Android P
It’s almost that time of the year again, and Google certainly has a lot on its plate, putting the finishing touches to the next Android version before it can be generally released, cooking up a potentially divisive pair of new Pixel smartphones, as well as a mysterious Pixel Watch, upgraded Pixelbook, and other hardware stuff we might not know about just yet.

But that doesn’t mean the Pixel 2 and 2 XL have been forgotten already, with frequent discounts meant to keep the spotlight on the two “oldies”, and unfortunately, plenty of software issues requiring immediate attention.

We have some interesting new details on one recent bug that received a quick fix with the Pixel 2 XL’s July security patch, thanks to a comment from Google’s development team posted on the company’s official issue tracker website.

The search giant is finally comfortable revealing the cause of the “slow to wake” glitch, as well as admitting to employing a somewhat unorthodox method of solving the problem. In order for Pixel 2 XL owners to be able to rapidly unlock their devices again, Google basically had to “unfix” an older issue with “bright flashes” reported before entering Always On Display by a small number of other users.

Ironing out that particular kink apparently led to slow unlocking, so reverting the initial fix did the trick as far as the bigger issue is concerned. But fret not, a “proper fix for the original issue” is also in the works, targeting availability on the P release, which is expected to happen sometime next month. This should not cause a “slow unlock side effect”, although you shouldn’t be too shocked if other bugs arise.

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