Google Maps feature that can help you 'stay safer' during your cab rides comes to the US

Google Maps feature that can help you 'stay safer' during your cab rides comes to the US
There are many reasons why Apple's overhauled web mapping service still has a long way to go before challenging the popularity of Google Maps and Waze, with a big one perfectly illustrated by a new feature that appears to be rolling out across a number of different global markets as we speak.

Even though this sounds like a potential lifesaver (literally), the search giant forgot to mention it was coming just a few days ago, when announcing a couple of convenient new ways to report driving incidents on Google Maps. Of course, the reason the aptly called Stay Safer functionality is expanding from India to the US, Netherlands, Malaysia, and possibly other places this discreetly might be the limited nature of its release.

Then again, Big G didn't make a lot of noise when moving the feature out of testing and into the wild in India in the first place, as Google Maps just so happened to be in the midst of a wider update process back in June as well. In any case, if you notice the option being added to the wildly popular mapping and navigation app on your Android handset, you should definitely take it for a test drive the next time you hop into a cab.

Basically, you can track your trip to make sure your taxi driver doesn't go off route for some shady reason, and in case that happens, your phone will buzz with a prominent notification to warn you of a possible danger to your wellbeing or just the risk of getting fleeced. This way, you can quickly tell if you're about to be overcharged (or worse) without having to keep an eye on your route from the beginning to the end of a suspicious trip. And don't worry, false alarms shouldn't be a problem, as Google Maps will only alert you if your driver deviates from the best available route by more than 500 meters (546 yards).

It's honestly surprising that this incredibly useful Stay Safer tool is still not available for Google Maps users worldwide, but it's certainly nice to hear it's rolling out in more places, including the US. 

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