Gmail app for iOS and Android adds checkmarks for verified senders

An image of a smartphone displaying the Gmail app
Gmail is stepping up its fight against email scams with a new feature that will help users identify verified senders. In the coming weeks, the Gmail app for Android and iOS will start showing a checkmark next to verified senders, making it easier for users to recognize authentic emails and distinguish them from potential phishing attempts.

This new feature mirrors the checkmark that Gmail already displays on its website, offering a consistent visual cue across platforms. To qualify for the checkmark, senders must meet specific criteria: they need to adopt Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) and possess a registered trademark with a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC). This dual requirement ensures that the associated domain name genuinely belongs to the company, making it significantly harder for scammers to impersonate well-known brands.

In addition to VMC, Gmail now supports BIMI’s Common Mark Certificate (CMC). If a sender has a CMC but not a VMC, Gmail will still display their avatar, but without the verified checkmark. This approach provides a degree of visual recognition for brands that may not have a registered trademark but are still legitimate entities.

It's crucial to remember that these verified checkmarks will exclusively appear within the official Gmail app. If you're using a third-party email client on your iOS or Android device, you won't benefit from this visual indicator. This underscores the importance of using the official Gmail app for the most secure and comprehensive email experience.

As with most new features from Google, the rollout of verified checkmarks in Gmail will be gradual, reaching Android and iOS users over the next few weeks. If you haven't noticed the change yet, ensure that you're running the latest version of the Gmail app and patiently await your account's turn.

From a personal perspective, as someone who heavily relies on Gmail for both personal and professional emails, I find this new security feature incredibly reassuring. It's a proactive step towards combating the ever-present threat of email scams and phishing attempts, which can have devastating consequences. With this simple visual cue, I can quickly assess the legitimacy of incoming emails, particularly those from brands and businesses I interact with regularly. It adds an extra layer of confidence and peace of mind to my digital communication.
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