Beware: feminine bots are terrorizing Spotify

If you are on Spotify and have collaborative playlists, you should probably check them out after reading this article. It looks like bots with feminine names like Ashley, Emma, and Elsie are terrorizing some of Spotify's public collaborative playlists (via Neowin).
The bots, masked as normal users, take control over a collaborative playlist and add songs by unknown musicians without the consent of the playlist's owner. It is believed that the purpose of the bots is to boost the listening stats of a specific artist.
A collaborative playlist of TikTokker and musician @jw__francis has also fallen victim to such a bot. In a TikTok video, Francis shared that a user named Ashley had added songs by unknown artists to his playlist without his consent. However, shortly after the video's upload, many users shared in the video's comment section that they, too, were victims of the same user, and because of that, Francis decided to find out who that user was.
There is also a whole thread on Reddit in which users share that they were also victims of bots like Ashley. A user there shares the names of two bots that add unwanted songs. The bots named by the user are "SongSuggestor(beta)" and "Picked Tracks."
If you are also a victim of such bots, you should know that Spotify is informed about the problem, but currently, there is nothing it can do to solve it. Because collaborative playlists are public, you can't block a specific user from editing a playlist, and the playlists don't have an "invite-only" feature. So, the only solution at this time to fight the unwanted bot activity is to remove the songs added by the bot manually.
Let's hope that Spotify will soon think of something to stop these bots from ruining our favorite collaborative playlists!
The bots, masked as normal users, take control over a collaborative playlist and add songs by unknown musicians without the consent of the playlist's owner. It is believed that the purpose of the bots is to boost the listening stats of a specific artist.
During his investigation, Francis discovered that many collaborative playlists on Spotify had messages in their titles warning Ashley to stop adding songs to the playlist. Francis also found out that the songs added by Ashley are owned by a Spotify user named Pesukone, who is committed to showcasing undiscovered musicians.
There is also a whole thread on Reddit in which users share that they were also victims of bots like Ashley. A user there shares the names of two bots that add unwanted songs. The bots named by the user are "SongSuggestor(beta)" and "Picked Tracks."
If you are also a victim of such bots, you should know that Spotify is informed about the problem, but currently, there is nothing it can do to solve it. Because collaborative playlists are public, you can't block a specific user from editing a playlist, and the playlists don't have an "invite-only" feature. So, the only solution at this time to fight the unwanted bot activity is to remove the songs added by the bot manually.
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