Who is more likely to run a stop sign, an Android user or an iOS user?

Almost a year ago (okay, okay, it was about 10 months), we passed along the result of a survey from Jerry. This is an app that does side-by-side comparisons of auto insurance quotes to find the best auto insurance for you. The survey revealed that Android users are better drivers than iOS users. Today, a new study was released based on the answers given by 1,000 phone users (500 Android and 500 iOS owners).
According to the study, published by American Trucks, Android users are more likely to speed than iOS users (albeit by a slim 73% to 71% tally) and run a stop sign (59% of Android users, 54% of iOS users). 73% of Android users asked in the survey admit that they blast music while driving compared to 69% of iOS users. This could be distracting and cause an accident. And by a 55% to 50% margin, Android users are more likely not to wear a seat belt while driving.
Both Android and iOS users are equally at fault for making turns without signaling (53% of Android and iOS users admit to this infraction), and iOS users are more likely to be texting while driving. The survey revealed that this extremely dangerous activity is being done by 57% of iOS users and 55% of Android users. This is unacceptable and both Android and iOS
owners need to work hard at getting this down to 0%.

Survey says...both Android and iOS users do not drive safely
Interestingly, the survey asked what kind of music is being blasted while driving by users of both platforms who admitted to doing this. 59% of Android users said that they blast Rock while behind the wheel while 55% of iPhone users will play Pop.

Android and iOS users reveal the kind of music they blast while driving
Those sporting an Android phone also listen to Hip-hop (51%), Rap (47%), Pop (45%), and Metal (24%). Besides playing Pop while driving, those with an iOS device also enjoy Rock (52%), Hip-hop (46%), Rap (46%), and Indie (29%).
Other results from the survey show that iOS users have been in 20% more "at-fault" accidents than those with an Android handset, and iOS users are more apt to experience road rage than Android users.
Both Pixel and iPhone users have a feature on their phones that will detect a car crash and contact emergency services if the device owner is unable to dismiss the alarm. Now, this doesn't mean that you have a license to speed, blast music, turn with signaling, run a stop sign, fail to buckle up, or text while driving. No matter which mobile platform you use, you do not want to set off this feature.
Things that are NOT allowed: