Your main goal in ZombieSmash is to protect your home from unceasing waves of blood-thirsty zombies by using the various tools and instruments you can find lying around the house (read stones, anvil, enviable set of firearms etc.) and of course, the strength of your fingers and scatter parts of your attackers all over the place (actually, this is possible with the inferior undead variety only). Perhaps all of this sounds really easy, but on your finishing the tutorial you will find out that making it through the 31 trials of the campaign is an ordeal in its own merit and not the walk in the park it may appear to be. You get certain number of "stars" for killing opponents that you can use to upgrade your weapons and house (and make them better). What we like best about ZombieSmash is the gameplay is quite difficult and it´s almost impossible to fix mistakes you´ve made. Your adrenaline will hit the ceiling when your spot a stronger zombie and you have already "died" once or twice due to incorrect use of the available weaponry. The uncanny difficulty setting means that many would probably give up the game right away, although it proved to be quite a motivator in our case.
Visually, the game is really appealing and quite good at conveying an overwhelming feeling of a baleful, ominous, dark atmosphere (certainly much less comical than its counterpart in Plants vs. Zombies). The soundtrack and effects are quite enjoyable and all told, the in-game controls are user-friendly and simple. All you need is... lighting reflexes. ZombieSmash cannot replace Plants vs. Zombies as the best zombie-based cell phone game, at least in our own lights, but the title does offer proper challenge and gratifying moments. It´s available at the AppStore for $1.99.
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