YouTube claims T-Mobile is downgrading its video streams

T-Mobile's Binge On feature allows users to stream video without it impacting data usage caps, but T-Mobile has said that video providers can only be added to the service if they follow certain specs. It was already said that YouTube didn't follow the right specs to be part of the feature, and now YouTube is claiming that T-Mobile is downgrading video streams anyway.
According to a WSJ report, T-Mobile has quietly been downgrading the video quality of services that aren't technically part of Binge On, and YouTube says its service is one of those being affected. A YouTube spokeswoman told WSJ that, "Reducing data charges can be good for users, but it doesn’t justify throttling all video services, especially without explicit user consent."
T-Mobile hasn't commented on the accusations, nor has it been established if the downgraded YouTube streams are still being counted towards user data caps.
Have any of you noticed downgraded YouTube service while on T-Mobile? If so, sound off in the comments.
source: WSJ
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