Yahoo! Japan creates an app that steals someone else’s face and makes it your own

Yahoo! Japan has released an app for the iPhone and iPad called Face Stealer. The app allows you to superimpose the face of someone else over the image of your face and then it maps your facial expressions and head movements.
You are not limited simply to other people’s faces either, you can use anime characters or animal faces. In the video below, you can even see the face of George Washington off the dollar bill put to use.
Naturally, you can capture images of your new face and share them on Facebook and Twitter, or post a video straight to YouTube. Right now the app is a stand-alone feature, but it looks like Yahoo! Japan will integrate Face Stealer into a video chat application. We can already envision the mischievous antics that will ensue once that happens, from anonymous pranks with weird faces to putting the office clown to use.
sources: DigInfo
You are not limited simply to other people’s faces either, you can use anime characters or animal faces. In the video below, you can even see the face of George Washington off the dollar bill put to use.
Face Stealer comes with some default masks, like Albert Einstein, dog faces and others. It looks a little rough around the edges as it is currently version 1.0.2, but it holds a lot of promise for pranksters and fun seekers alike. You can find Face Stealer on iTunes here.
sources: DigInfo

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