Woz guesses Apple is working on products that will "surprise and shock us all"... but he doesn't know what they are

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has decided to take a step back from his usually neutral or slightly critical tone of Apple's work to talk up the company pretty substantially. Woz has pulled out the big guns and said that Apple is "working on new things that are going to surprise and shock us all." The trouble is that he's really just guessing, and doesn't have any real knowledge of what Apple is doing.
Woz started out by saying that Apple's stock price has been "disappointing", then went on to say this:
But where are the profits of the whole industry though? They are still with Apple and profits are all that really matter in the long run. Apple’s business model tends to be new products, even products that didn’t exist before and doing well out of them and not re-making the same thing, as eventually that just gets a little bit stale. So I would guess that Apple is very well prepared, and working on new things that are going to surprise and shock us all. And I honestly don’t know [what].
Woz does make a good point that the profits of the industry are still with Apple, but after that things get a little dicey. Woz seems to be calling back to a different Apple (maybe the Steve Jobs' Apple?) which focused more on finding underserved market segments and shaking things up a bit. The current Apple has been a bit less adventurous, and iOS has become "a little bit stale" to borrow Woz's words.
It would certainly be good for the market if Apple does come out with products that "surprise and shock us all", but Woz doesn't actually have any real knowledge that products like that are in the pipeline. He fully admits that he "never [asks] key insiders at Apple what they are about to come out with."
source: TechCrunch via pocketnow
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