A dark interface mode for the iPhone X is on your wishlist (poll results)


Would you fancy a systemwide Dark Mode for the iPhone X?

Yes, I like it a lot
There's no need, the UI is nice enough as it is

We asked you whether you would enjoy an imaginary Dark Mode for the iPhone X's OLED screen, like the set you see above, courtesy of graphics artist Maximos Angelakis, and the vast majority of our respondents are digging it, it seems. Just as any other OLED display phone out there, the iPhone X is theoretically going to use less power when displaying dark images or content, so Apple will be wise to take note and introduce something similar to the X, shooting two birds with one stone - popular demand, and battery endurance.

The iPhone X is Apple's first smartphone with an OLED display, and the company did great with its peak brightness and color reproduction calibration. It still exhibits the Achilles heel of OLED screens, though, namely cold color shifts when viewed at an angle, but not to the extent of phones like, say, the Pixel 2 XL, which has to be viewed at 90 degrees so that you don't perceive the whites as a sad blue.

The X already has a Dark Mode of sorts, the Smart Invert accessibility feature that is available on most phones - and on most it looks terrible, but Apple simply reverses the bright coloring of the predominantly light interface with darker shades, without touching images, media, or already dark-themed apps. A full systemwide dark regime, however, seems to be on people's wishlist for the X.

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