Worried about cloud storage privacy and cost? Check out Transporter

This is a neat idea that is online, yet off-cloud. It addresses the legitimate concerns that many have with regards to ownership of data that is uploaded and stored in some cloud services.
While cloud storage does have perfectly acceptable applications, it is not for everything. There are alternatives of course, like network attached storage (NAS) devices, but depending on your know-how, it is not always the easiest way to share content, and in some cases, may incur a cost to access the data outside of that local network via a web-portal. That is where Transporter comes in.
Transporter is a hardware storage solution which can be easily configured to share data with others who also have a Transporter. You can decide specifically what you want to share, and with whom to share it with. What is also neat about Transporter is you can also configure how much bandwidth you want it to use while it updates content with other Transporter devices. Because it is a hardware solution, you do not have to pay recurring cloud storage fees, and because you can back-up and share with any Transporter anywhere, as well as access it with your laptop or handheld, you get the cloud, without the “cloud.”
source: Transporter (via Kickstarter)
While cloud storage does have perfectly acceptable applications, it is not for everything. There are alternatives of course, like network attached storage (NAS) devices, but depending on your know-how, it is not always the easiest way to share content, and in some cases, may incur a cost to access the data outside of that local network via a web-portal. That is where Transporter comes in.
Funding for the project is being crowd-sourced on Kickstarter. The company is nearly half-way to their goal of $100,000 with just over 30 days to go. Check out the videos below to learn more about this nifty storage solution.
source: Transporter (via Kickstarter)

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