Windows Phone 8.1 available to developers and non-developers that want it bad enough

- Visit the Windows Phone App Studiowebsite
- Sign in with your Microsoft account andcreate a project
- Download the Preview for Developers appon your WP8 handset (clickhere) and sign in with your MS account
- The phone should detect the WP 8.1update is available
Before going for it, keep in mind thatthe update doesn't include Nokia's Windows Phone 8.1 workings - thenavigation core and the new imaging SDK. You also won't be able todowngrade to WP8 if you experience problems after the early update,but the Preview app should be pushing fixes to you until WP 8.1 isready for all. As previously noted, Cortana is only available for USresidents, although you are free to change your smartphone's locationand use it in exchange for any local functionality you might betrusting upon. Also, custom lock-screen isn't available in thedeveloper preview version. But Action Center is, and for some of you,it might be worth the update on its own.
Things that are NOT allowed: