Windows Mobile ships fewer smartphones than BlackBerry OS in Q2 2008
While Symbian is losing marketshareto everyone else, what is most surprising about Gartner'sreport on 2nd Quarter smartphone sales is how well RIM isdoing. In the Q2, not only did RIM not have any new devicesout (warmed over BlackBerry Curves don't really count), it had tocontend with delicious Windows Mobile devices like the Samsung OMNIA and the HTC Touch Diamond. With the BlackBerryBold set for imminent release and a whole slew of newBlackBerry devices enroute (Storm,Javelin,etc.), the rest of 2008 looks to be peachy (although the effect of thecredit crunch on Wall Street cannot be completely ignored, given RIM'scorporate roots).
via: jkOnTheRun
via: jkOnTheRun
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