You can win an Essential Phone and $5,000 in cash from Sprint

Not long after it started accepting pre-orders for theEssential Phone, Sprint is now giving customers the chance to win the handsetfor free. Thanks to a Sweepstakes dubbed "Rake in the Cash", Sprintcustomers can win a total of 21 prizes - a grand prize including $5,000 in cashplus an Essential Phone with a 360-degree camera, and 20 prizes consisting ofan Essential Phone (with 360-degree camera) each.
You can enter Sprint's new Sweepstakes via the carrier'sofficial website (see the first source link below), or via Twitter. To enter onTwitter, you'll have to follow @Sprint, and send a tweet mentioning @Sprint andthe #RakeItInSweeptakes hashtag, while describing "how you would spend thecash this fall using words, a photo or a video."
The Sweepstakes ends on September 22. Until then, you'll beable to enter each day, both via Sprint's website, and on Twitter, thoughthere's a limit of 1 entry via each medium per day. Sprint says that "theodds of being selected as a potential winner depend on the total number ofeligible entries received." You can enter the Sweepstakes only if you're a
As a reminder, Sprint allows customers to get the EssentialPhone for just $14.58 per month and $0 down with 18 Sprint Flex Lease payments(that's 50% off a normal lease). If you don't want to lease the smartphone, but buyit outright, its price is $699.
sources: Sprint, Twitter, Terms and Conditions
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