Wikileaks posts the full transcript of Google's Eric Schmidt secret meeting with Julian Assange

While Larry Page took over the operational side of Google not long ago, Eric Schmidt remained tasked with the bird's eye view on the digital revolution going forward.
The man is naturally interested in the field, judging from countless interviews and statements, and his position at Google, the company whose mission is to "organize and make accessible the world's information," but also dabbles in driverless cars and other crazy stuff, allows Eric Schmidt to influence the processes to great extent. He was even bandied about as Commerce Secretary not long ago, but it seems he's not very willing to deal with the minutiae and bureaucracy involved in a government position.
Now he has a book coming out, called "The New Digital World," for which he apparently sat down and talked with none other, but the world's whistleblower, Julian Assange from Wikileaks, during his house arrest in the UK. The whole transcript is a fascinating read, so hit the source link, if you are interested. The book is coming out April 23, and we are eager to read Eric's musings on the future of mobile. Just an excerpt of the kinds of things he is interested in:
When we were sort of chatting initially we talked about my idea that powering, mobile phones being powered, is sort of changing society. A rough summary of your answer for everybody else is that people are very much the same and something big has to change their behaviour, and this might be one of them, and you said, you were very interested in someone building phone to phone encryption. Can you talk a little bit about, roughly, the architecture where you would have a broad open network and you have person to person encryption. What does that mean technically, how would it work, why is it important. That kind of stuff. I mean, I think people don't understand any of this area in my view.
source: Wikileaks
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