What's dumber than Dumb Ways to Die? Dumb Ways To Die 2, of course!

We and our morbid sense of humor are glad to inform you that Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games, the official and unapologetic sequel to the viral hit that was Dumb Ways To Die, is out now on iOS. And just like any self-respecting sequel should be, DWTD 2 offers more of the same, only better.
The dumb protagonists from the first game return to seek more dumb ways to part with they cartoony lives. The game spans 28 levels, designed as mini games, in which the fast reflexes and the thick stomach you developed in the first game will help you immensely.
Don't believe us? Here's a sample of what you'll be up against in this bombastic sequel: jumping electric fences, passing dynamite batons, dolphin rodeos, lighting pole vaulting, rocket ski jumps, landmine curling, javelin catching, and brushing a shark's particularly grimy teeth. Behind all this madness lies the message of staying safe around Melbourne's subway trains instead of, you know, jumping in front of them and stuff.
Honestly, we're not sure what contributing to a shark's dental hygiene has to do with the Melbourne subway, but we're going along with it anyway. DWTD 2 is just as wacky as the first game, so if you are a fan, you definitely shouldn't miss the sequel. And if you aren't a fan, then the theme song will surely convert you. It's below the gallery.
Download DWTD 2 on iOS

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