Do you remember that nutty Lenovo wrist phone concept that was slapped to wrap around the hand of its wearer during a presentation last year, and touted as the future of mobility? Well, Nubia, an offshoot brand of ZTE, has created a similar wearable phone, but it's not in the concept stage anymore, and will reportedly be released next quarter.
As you can see in the promo video above, the device sports a flexible screen, likely of the OLED variety, and 4G LTE cellular connectivity, so you can answer calls, use apps, and browser notifications. If you say that's a glorified smartwatch, we'll beg to differ, as it's a glorified smart bracelet.
We kid, but it's not clear yet what this thing runs, we just know you can communicate and run apps from your wrist, and there is also a largish camera that can shoot high-res photos. In addition, the nubia-α sports a special proximity sensor that can adjust the screen orientation for the right angle no matter how you look at it. Sounds like a wearable winner, but we'll have to wait on all the specs and the pricing before we pass a verdict on this crazy wrist phone concept.
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Daniel, a devoted tech writer at PhoneArena since 2010, has been engrossed in mobile technology since the Windows Mobile era. His expertise spans mobile hardware, software, and carrier networks, and he's keenly interested in the future of digital health, car connectivity, and 5G. Beyond his professional pursuits, Daniel finds balance in travel, reading, and exploring new tech innovations, while contemplating the ethical and privacy implications of our digital future.
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