Watch Google Voice Search in Android Jelly Bean chew through oddball questions with flying colors
In the next of the new Google Voice Search video series we have the service asked more than 40 questions. which range from the mundane like setting up alarms and appointments, calling contacts or finding directions, to wackier ones like "How much is Angelina Jolie worth?", "show me pictures of Android eating Apple", and so on.
Of note is the very rapid response time Google Voice Search renders now, even on vague questions like "Where's that museum with Egyptian stuff in San Jose?" Google's unsurpassed search query prowess is undoubtedly showing here, but there are many more fun episodes in the nearly 10-minute long video below, which will make you want Jelly Bean on your handset ASAP. How do you think the handset reacts when it's told to "do a barrel roll"? Peep into the video below to find out.
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