Want to have a say in what custom design comes next to the Moto X? See how inside

The number of possible outcomes atwhich you can arrive thanks to the highly customizable Moto X istruly mind boggling. But despite the massivehype that preceded the launch of Motorola'sarguable mid-ranger (specs wise, at least),the device's rather steep price point has raised concerns over howwell it will sell. It only makes sense then, that the customizationfacet is milked and entertained as much as possible, for Motorola mayfind it hard to move enough handsets.
With the above inmind, we're still pleasantly surprised with Motorola and the contestit has been hosting for the last week or so over at its Facebookpage. Letting you take the rains for a change, the US manufacturer ishosting a sort of a competition between 12 currently unavailablecustom skins for the Moto X. Our guess is that Motorola will behosting a new round every now and then, letting us feel a part forthe process.
We already voted,and if you find yourself similarly motivated then make sure to have alook at the contestants below and head straight to source to castyour vote.
source: Motorola(Facebook)
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