Vodafone playing it nice by not charging for going over mobile data limit - for now
With the ever on-going debate surrounding the meaning behind “unlimited” mobile data plans, there is no denying that almost every wireless provider stipulates a certain cap with these plans. In the US, the cap for these unlimited data plans are set at 5GB while European carriers tend to think the paltry 500MB cap is sufficient enough. Sure there were plenty of people upset after Vodafone decided to remove “unlimited data” from its contract as they slowly adopted the stance of providing plans based on usage. Thankfully though, Vodafone has yet to come out to officially say that they will begin charging those customers that go over the limit – but they intend on advising these customers to move up to a different plan to suit their data appetite. However, things will change in a few months when they expect to implement a new free text message service to inform customers as they near the upper limit of their specified data plan. Customers will then have to weigh in their options in either continuing their current trend or to switch up to a higher plan, but Vodafone's stance of viewing 500MB of data as the average comes to be a surprise for many people. Until the new text messaging system starts to go into effect, Vodafone customers can sit still knowing they won't be charged for overages – unless they're repeat offenders of course.
source: TechRadar
source: TechRadar
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