Verizon's Motorola Moto X getting updated later today?

Last week, we told you that Motorola had started inviting members of the Motorola Feedback Network totin' a Motorola Moto X to take place in a soak test. We've explained before how Motorola uses these tests to load an update onto a few units of a certain model at one time, in this case it is the Verizon branded Moto X. By keeping things small at first, it prevents bedlam if the update bricks the phone. Consider that some units of the Microsoft Surface RT just got bricked after loading up the Windows 8.1 RT update. While admittedly the numbers are not large with only .1% of Surface slates doubling as a paperweight, it just adds more work for Microsoft, who has sent out a fix, and Surface owners who have to install the fix and make sure that their slate works.
Wow! Did we get sidetracked. Anyway, the point is that the Verizon branded Motorola Moto X will be the recipient of an update on Tuesday which is later today. Those who are members of the Motorola Feedback Network received an email telling them to expect the update later this morning. One of the instructions sent in the email tells you not to call Verizon or Motorola about the update because reps are not yet ready to handle such phone calls.
source: MotorolaFeedbackNetwork via AndroidCentral
The update should be the same one that other carriers have received. You should see improvements in the camera with better color reproduction, improved focus in low-light conditions or when your subject is constantly moving around. The update also makes it faster for Google Now to learn the verbal cue "Ok Google Now" and also kills some bugs dead. No, it is not Android 4.3.That update will require another soak test to be held another day.
"Thanks for signing up for the Verizon Moto X software test. The software should be pushed to your phone tomorrow morning.
Your input is very important to us. To ensure we hear you, please follow these guidelines:
Please post all your feedback in our private community (link below). This also where you'll find help during the soak. Don't email feedback or questions to this address. (Other than log-in issues -- see below.)
Please do not call or contact Motorola or Verizon support for help during the soak. Those teams are not yet ready to support this software.
I'm not able to check private messages on the forums during soaks, so if you need immediate help that's not a good route to take.
If you have any problems accessing the private community, please reply back to this email with details, like what error message you see.
NOTE: you must log in using the email address of the account where you are receiving this email
If you log in and find yourself in your account profile, it means you have not completed your profile. Complete it to proceed. Thanks!"-Motorola
Your input is very important to us. To ensure we hear you, please follow these guidelines:
Please post all your feedback in our private community (link below). This also where you'll find help during the soak. Don't email feedback or questions to this address. (Other than log-in issues -- see below.)
Please do not call or contact Motorola or Verizon support for help during the soak. Those teams are not yet ready to support this software.
I'm not able to check private messages on the forums during soaks, so if you need immediate help that's not a good route to take.
If you have any problems accessing the private community, please reply back to this email with details, like what error message you see.
NOTE: you must log in using the email address of the account where you are receiving this email
If you log in and find yourself in your account profile, it means you have not completed your profile. Complete it to proceed. Thanks!"-Motorola
source: MotorolaFeedbackNetwork via AndroidCentral
Things that are NOT allowed: