Verizon teases an upcoming Motorola tablet

DroidLanding, Verizon's arm thatpromotes the carrier's exclusive Droid line of smart devices, hasbeen on a tweeting spree these last few days, promoting a contest andraising awareness about an upcoming 'mystery' device. Of course, itdoesn't take much of a genius to see that it probably won't be longuntil we see Verizon add a new Droid tablet to its roster. Saidtablet will, of course, be produced by Motorola, the carrier'sofficial partner for all things Droid.
Those of you enjoying a good memorywill probably remember that we had a commercial storyboard leak inearly July that actually contained some of the same lines that Verizon's newteaser does, not to mention that the theme is almost identical. Thatone is supposedly all about the Droid MAXX and its massive battery,though it does also suggest a certain amount of coherence inMotorola's strategy, which is to be expected. What this means, in anutshell, is that this isn't new and Motorola is likelytargeting a launch before the holidays.
So,what do we know about the tablet? Nothing really, though if you lookclosely, the package in the Verizon teaser does appear to be aboutthe size of your typical 10-inch tablet, which is our only clue sofar. Hopefully, the next episode will contain more clues and we'll beable to build on our Droid theory.

source:Verizon, DroidLanding
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