Ubuntu for Android demoed in Brazil

Ubuntu for Android is a project that we're pretty excited for. We've talked before about how this sort of synergy seems to be the logical next step for mobile devices, and we've eagerly been waiting to see how it all works. Well, the platform was just demoed at the Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL) 13 event held in Porto Alegre, Brazil last week, and we've got the video.
As you can see in the video, work is coming along quite nicely. The demo was done on a Motorola ATRIX 2, and it walks through some pretty interesting features. When the phone is docked, it comes up on the monitor like a normal instance of Ubuntu, complete with the Unity interface, although on the launcher you'll notice a couple of new items. From the launcher, it looks as though you can pin phone apps, but the dialer is automatically there, as is an option to run Android from your phone in a window on screen. There is complete access to the camera as well.
As far as Ubuntu, everything looks like it runs well. It takes about 10 seconds to resume the system to exactly where you were if you take the phone off the dock and put it back. And, the demo shows off Libre Office running nicely, as well as a terminal window open at all times (because that's all Linux users care about, right?)
Overall, it's an impressive display, but we'd really like to see it working on a device that doesn't come out of the box with the docking capabilities of the ATRIX 2.
Also, as you'll notice pretty quickly, the video is all in Portuguese, but we would recommend jumping to YouTube to watch the video and turn on the automatic translation captions on the video. They aren't helpful at all, but they are pretty funny for just how terrible they are. There aren't a lot of captions, but when they do pop up, they are pretty funny. Our favorite was the translation, "I think she's a statistic."
source: Ubuntero Brazil via OMGUbuntu

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