U.S. Congress may reinstate smartphone and tablet use in the House

During the 111th U.S. Congress, legislators were prohibited from using smartphones and tablets while on the floor of the House of Representatives. That meant that they couldn't digitally read over legislation, research certain topics, or play a round of Angry Birds during a boring speech.
The 112th Congress, led by the Republican Majority, is aiming to reinstate the use of smartphones and tablets on the House floor. They stipulate that the use of such gadgets not "impede decorum." Presumably, their use would be limited to reading bills and doing research, rather than perusing iTunes or making phone calls.
The definition of what would "impede decorum" is intentionally vague, as the technologies are still rapidly changing. Brendan Buck, a spokesperson for the Republican Majority Transition Committee, says that "devices are not to make sound and members are not to be speaking on their phones while on the floor. [But] if a member wants to read an amendment, for example, on their iPad, that would be allowed."
source: Digital Daily
The 112th Congress, led by the Republican Majority, is aiming to reinstate the use of smartphones and tablets on the House floor. They stipulate that the use of such gadgets not "impede decorum." Presumably, their use would be limited to reading bills and doing research, rather than perusing iTunes or making phone calls.
Given the current landscape of smartphone integration in our world, it would be odd to see a U.S. Congress without them. But we also wouldn't put it past our representatives to sneak in a little game-time during a particularly boring soapbox rant. Hopefully the use of tablets and smartphones will only increase their productivity. What do you think?
source: Digital Daily
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