Twitter's Android users are starting to get the version of Dark mode enjoyed by iPhone users

Twitter's Android users are starting to get the version of Dark mode enjoyed by iPhone users
If you're the type of person who likes to use Dark mode because it might save you some battery life on your AMOLED-screened Android phone, we have some good news for you. According to Financial Express, Twitter's "Lights Out", which first was made available to iOS devices back in March, is now being offered to those running the Alpha version of Twitter for Android. While Twitter's Dark mode currently provides a blue background on Android, the "Lights Out" version is dark black. And that is important because AMOLED displays create black by shutting off all pixels in the appropriate areas. Pixels that are shut off do not draw power from a phone's battery.

The Alpha version of Twitter is a pre-beta build that accepts a limited number of users who ask to join. Twitter is hoping to obtain plenty of feedback from Alpha users about new features, and these members can actually play a big role in the future of Twitter. You can ask to join the Alpha Twitter group by clicking on this link. Those in the Alpha program, and even Twitter users running the stable version of the app on Android, can turn on Dark mode by going to Settings and privacy > Display and sound > Dark mode. There, users will find three options: Off, On, Automatic at sunset. Off means that the phone stays in Light mode with black text on a white background. On means that the Twitter app will always be in Dark mode with a blue or black background and white text. Automatic at sunset has Twitter appear in Light mode until sunset local time when it switches to Dark mode. The last option (which is the default setting) makes sense for those whose eyes are strained or hurt by the strong white background of Light mode at night, or in a darkened room. There are also those who just like the look of Dark mode on their phone.

If you are a member of the Alpha build, you need to have version 8.19.0-alpha.03 of the app in order to get the dark black version of Twitter's Dark mode on your Android phone. There is no word on when this "Lights Out" version will be available for those using the stable version of the Twitter app on Android, but hopefully, it won't be too long.

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