Tumblr for Android updated with tablet support

Tumblr for Android updated with tablet support
Tumblr is one of those oddly unique platforms that you'll find on the web. For those who go back far enough, Tumblr is like the evolution of LiveJournal, because it holds onto the idea of communities, but makes them far better by downplaying comments, which always lead to trouble. For those of you who love Tumblr, you may want to check out the new Android app, because it has been updated to add tablet support.

Unfortunately, the update doesn't bring anything more than that, but the tablet support is pretty nice, because it updates the UI to really make use of the screen real estate on a tablet as best it can. The update does also add a new design for the Following screen, which is pretty big, because that is one of the main portals for Tumblr users. 

If you want to get in on the fun, you can grab the Tumblr app for free in the Google Play Store. 

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