Trapster soon to receive major upgrade

One of the most widely installed apps across all smartphone platforms is Trapster. As the name implies, the software helps motorists navigate through the maze of speed traps set up by radar gun wielding cops and helps drivers make it safely past dangerous road conditions. With 15,000 new users a day, there will soon be 9 million users of the app. Sean Farrell of says, "We notice that new users use the app a ton! When users use other navigation apps, they tend to only use them when they need directions. Trapster users use the app every time they drive, because they want to be informed of potential road and wallet hazards ahead."
The software is going to be undergoing a major upgrade in the next few days. 11 new trap types will be able to become detected, maps will be able to rotate and the Android version will offer better tracking. And like other apps that count on participation from users, the more people who stop to contribute, the more vital the app becomes. Users contribute by passing along information not only on speed traps, but also with certain road conditions.
Both Brush Fire and Flooded Road expire after 6 hours after the last vote. Ice on Road is taken off after 4 hours. That leaves Narrow Bridge, Road Closed, Road Kill and Toll booth. Once the update adds all of these "traps", it is up to the 9 million Trapster users to make sure that everyone has enough of an early warning about road conditions to make a safe journey-and hopefully one without a speeding ticket in your hand.
The app last upgraded during the Summer. Check out the video to see how the app works after that update.
The 11 new traps being added to the software include: School Zone which is a trap that doesn't get removed. It represents a street or crosswalk near a school. Children at Play is a trap that expires 2 hours after the last confirmed vote. You will find this near playgrounds, cul-de-sacs, parks and schools. Car Accidents will remain on screen two hours after the last confirmation. Accidents can bring traffic to a screeching halt, so it is important for Trapster users to report them immediately. Construction Zones can also bring dangerous driving conditions. Another trap that does not expire is Dangerous Curves. Trapster asks that when reporting a trap like this, that you be as accurate as possible. When you do report in, a "Trapologist" uses Google Maps to confirm your report. Same rules are in effect for Dangerous Intersection.
Both Brush Fire and Flooded Road expire after 6 hours after the last vote. Ice on Road is taken off after 4 hours. That leaves Narrow Bridge, Road Closed, Road Kill and Toll booth. Once the update adds all of these "traps", it is up to the 9 million Trapster users to make sure that everyone has enough of an early warning about road conditions to make a safe journey-and hopefully one without a speeding ticket in your hand.
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