Torchie app turns on the flashlight in a split second with the volume keys

It's gotten dark, and you have to both cross one unlit passageway on a first date, deal with that hypothetical. Why, you take out your phone, flick a finger, and the LED light on the back turns on, illuminating the road ahead. You immediately become a hero, which leads to a second date, which leads to... well, you know.
We kid, but being able to use your phone as a light source of last resort can probably save the day more than a few times in many dozens of scenarios. Flashlight apps are one of the most abundant categories over at the Play Store, coming in many shapes, forms, and ingenious ways to turn the LED light or screen on as your bright guiding lights. Some manufacturers are now even embedding the flashlight switch functionality directly into the status bar or even the lock screen, so you can access the illumination capabilities of your handsets as fast as possible.
What if you needed an even faster way to switch the flashlight functionality on that doesn't also involve tinkering with the power button? Well, someone thought long and hard how this can be done, and it suddenly dawned on them that all phones have volume buttons or rockers handily situated on the sides. Along came Torchie - an app you can sideload, and which will let you fire up the LED flashlight in a split second from anywhere you are in the handset, including from locked state. That's as fast as it gets, barring a dedicated flashlight key, so if you are interested to try it out, hit the download link below.
Developer: Anselm and Anselm | Download: Android |
Category: Tools | Price: Free |

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