Tools unlock the bootloader and root the Google Pixel and Pixel XL

Good news this morning for those modders and power users who like to have a completely customizable phone. The Google Pixel and Google Pixel XL have been rooted. That means that custom ROMs can be employed on the two models. Chainfire developed the tool to root the new Google handsets. He points out that "the images for the Pixels need to be 'fastboot boot'ed, not flashed. After a few minutes (have patience) and a couple of (automatic) reboots, Android should boot fully rooted."
Rooting the phone in the U.S. means dealing with a Verizon bootloader that is not unlockable. But a tool called the dePixel8 will handle that task, allowing you to root either Pixel model. One important note. The dePixel8 will stop working once the November security update is disseminated. This means that if you want to unlock the bootloader on your Pixel or Pixel XL handset, you better do the deed before the security update is pushed out. And yes, the tool will work with other Pixel models without an unlockable bootloader such as the units sold overseas by EE.
If still interested in proceeding, click on the sourcelinks. All of the developers are offering their hard work for free, so you might want to send a donation. Money sent for the dePixel8 will go to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
source: +Chainfire, dePixel8 via SlashGear
If you've never rooted your phone before, be careful. One slip up and you now own an expensive brick. That is why even those who have rooted their phone before know to keep some stock firmware lying around just in case a life saver is needed. Flashing back to stock will get you out of most trouble. Also, keep in mind that you will lose your warranty just for unlocking the bootloader, and miss out on updates sent while your phone is rooted.
If still interested in proceeding, click on the sourcelinks. All of the developers are offering their hard work for free, so you might want to send a donation. Money sent for the dePixel8 will go to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
source: +Chainfire, dePixel8 via SlashGear
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