Too much Internet: Chinese girls cover their knees with iPhones to prove they have skinny legs

It looks like smartphone designers' obsession with thinness as a display of sophistication and beauty has finally caught up with the users themselves. To the uninitiated, here's your brief introduction to the latest tech fad in China – the "iPhone 6 knees" challenge. It's about nothing other than body-conscious girls photographing themselves using iPhones to cover their knees, proving they have skinny legs. Oohkay...
Make what you want out of it, but the fad is already viral on China's infamous Twitter clone / reliable smartphone leaks source Weibo. We have the accompanying photographs and snarky user commentary to prove this isn't an April Fools joke. Somebody on Facebook actually came up with a concise and eloquent summation of the state of things: "The world seems to be losing sense by the moment..."
Unfortunately, we can't be of much help to those looking to participate in the challenge, because we're unclear about certain specifics in regards to whether it's the regular iPhone 6 or its Plus-sized brother that gives the most accurate measurements. At an initial glance, the difference in size might not be as relevant, but when it comes down to bodily measurements, every inch counts...
via Mashable
Unfortunately, we can't be of much help to those looking to participate in the challenge, because we're unclear about certain specifics in regards to whether it's the regular iPhone 6 or its Plus-sized brother that gives the most accurate measurements. At an initial glance, the difference in size might not be as relevant, but when it comes down to bodily measurements, every inch counts...
via Mashable
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