Android's always been a platform rich in options and choice for its users. This is easily evident even in its volume slider... sliders, sorry. Yeah, Google's operating system has three different volume controls – ringtone, media, and alarm. Or, if you are on a Samsung phone, you have four to juggle with – ringtone, media, notifications, and system. Yeah, it's both kind of cool and kind of annoying — on one hand, you can fine-tune your notifications, alerts, and keyboard click sounds, on the other — that's a ton of micro-management just to get your phone's volume right.
Well, fear not, there's an app to help you out! Released recently, we have VolumeSync. And yeah, what it does is pretty much in the name — it will sync your chosen volume sliders to the main ringtone slider. So, say, if you hold down on the volume– button and you see your ringtone slider go down, you can rest assured that your media volume is also going to be down. Neat!
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