Tim Cook posts god-awful blurry photo from his iPhone at Superbowl (UPDATE: takes it down!)

Tim Cook posted this blurry photo from his iPhone right after the Broncos win
"Try using a Samsung phone for a better pic!"
And the picture is god-awful. It's terribly blurry. It does not look great.Twitter users were quick to grill Cook over the picture, taking jabs at the iPhone for lacking any kind of optical image stabilization that other phones have and that could have helped it capture a sharp picture in those conditions. The reactions range from "bruh that's the best photo you could take?" to the quite hurtful "try using a Samsung phone for a better pic!"
Update: Tim Cook has now quietly taken down the shameful picture from Twitter!
This is really interesting for two reasons: first, it admits that Cook himself is not happy with the picture and especially the reaction it has gotten, but also secondly, it is interesting because Cook has decided not to comment on the poor quality of the picture in any way. Luckily, while Cook might have taken the photo down from twitter, it lives up on the web and you can still see it right above and marvel why it was posted in the first place.
source: Tim Cook on Twitter
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