This woman published a cake photo to Instagram and couldn't believe what happened next!

It was a delightful day filled with festive Easter spirit. Her Majesty's subject, Sue Moseley, did something she loved – she baked a pretty simnel cake! Well, maybe not so pretty, but the dessert was clearly made with motherly love, which stands highly regarded! And besides, as far as simnel cakes go, this one's among the nicer ones we've seen. Anyway, controversy is about to arise, so watch what happens next! Being the tech-savvy mom she is, Sue snapped a picture of the dessert and uploaded it straight to her Instagram account, full of delightful family, holiday and food photos. Pretty routine so far, but it was a few moments later that, right out of the blue, Instagram disabled Mrs. Mosley's account for violating the site’s terms of use!
Needless to say, posting photos of cakes (or any other food, for that matter) ranks on the bottom side of the list of things that can get you in trouble with Insta. Yet, Sue had her account suspended without the option of ever activating it again, and the only explanation offered was that Instagram "disables accounts that post content that is sexually suggestive or contains nudity." What the heck?
To the solace of everyone affected, the armchair movement took off and the word eventually got to the higher floors of Instagram's HQ. Following careful scrutiny by an Instagram moderator and, presumably, a team of top-notch anatomy and cooking experts, the simnel cake photo was deemed harmless and devoid of any bodily nudity whatsoever. Therefore, the photo sharing service resurrected Sue's account from its undeserved banishment. “We made a mistake here and restored the account as soon as we learned about it. Our apologies go out to Sue Moseley for the trouble we caused her,” Instagram said in a statement. Splendid!
Although it has been established that what we're seeing in this mathematically structured assembly of pixels is indeed a genuine simnel cake and not bosom, you are still free to discuss whether the eponymous cake looks more like a human breast or more like an udder. That should make for a fascinating discourse!
via Digital Trends
Those of you with a particularly rompy subconscious must be getting where this is going. But just to set any doubts floating in your minds aside, Instagram's censoring system clearly mistook Sue's cake for a breast photo. It's either that, or the artificial intelligence algorithms behind it have turned sentient and somehow nurtured an aching dislike for simnel cakes. Perhaps the truth is somewhere inbetween...Understandably, Mrs. Mosely was less than enthused about Instagram obliterating her account over absurd violations, so her daughter Fiona did what everyone with a cause does these days. She took to Twitter and voiced her trouble in a single sentence: “My Mum’s @instagram account was deactivated for posting this Easter Simnel cake. IT’S NOT A BOOB." She finished it off with the most appropriate hash-tag - #BoobGate.
To the solace of everyone affected, the armchair movement took off and the word eventually got to the higher floors of Instagram's HQ. Following careful scrutiny by an Instagram moderator and, presumably, a team of top-notch anatomy and cooking experts, the simnel cake photo was deemed harmless and devoid of any bodily nudity whatsoever. Therefore, the photo sharing service resurrected Sue's account from its undeserved banishment. “We made a mistake here and restored the account as soon as we learned about it. Our apologies go out to Sue Moseley for the trouble we caused her,” Instagram said in a statement. Splendid!
via Digital Trends
Things that are NOT allowed: