This is what the Samsung Galaxy Watch (Gear S4) could look like

This is what the Samsung Galaxy Watch (Gear S4) could look like
The Samsung Gear S4, or Galaxy Watch, as we’ve learned it will be called, is one of the most exciting and eagerly-awaited wearables reveals of the year. Amidst the rumors that Google is working on its own smartwatch carrying the Pixel brand, and with the Apple Watch Series 4 looming on the horizon, Samsung is expected to release something truly special in the form of the Galaxy Watch.

And no wonder there is such excitement surrounding Samsung’s upcoming smartwatch. Rumors from reliable sources over the past months have outlined many of the expected new features and improvements that are reportedly coming to the Samsung Galaxy Watch. But what leaks and tipsters have been mum about is the design of the device.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch is expected to come in two sizes, and much like the Gear S3 and S2 before it, to be available in two models – a “Classic” version and a sporty variant in the vein of the Gear S3 Frontier.

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The Galaxy Watch just went through the FCC, revealing the official name and model numbers of the wearable. What’s more interesting, however, is that the FCC documentation reveals the dimensions of the watch (or at least one of the models that will be available), and maybe even offers a very early glimpse at the design of the Samsung Galaxy Watch.

First thing’s first – dimensions. According to the FCC documentation, the Galaxy Watch will have a 1.2-inch display, which is actually a hair smaller than the screens found on the Gear S3 Classic and Frontier, and the exact same size as the ones on the Gear S2 models and the Gear Sport.

As far as dimensions go, the case of the Samsung Galaxy Watch is expected to measure in at 51.2mm x 43.4mm, which would make it somewhat bigger than the Gear S3 Classic.

Dimensions of the Samsung Galaxy Watch based on recent FCC listing

Furthermore, the FCC listing reveals what could be our first look at the design — or at least the general shape — of the Galaxy Watch. Curiously, the shape of the Galaxy Watch seems reminiscent of that of the Gear S2, rather than the S3 or Sport, with much shorter lugs. Of course, we don’t know which model is depicted, whether it is the Sport or Classic version, and the FCC documentation may not be 100 percent accurate in this regard (for obvious reasons).

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Still, the shorter lugs and what looks like snap-on bands could be some of the changes coming to the Samsung Galaxy Watch, design-wise at least. The Gear S2 used bands that snapped onto place with a latch mechanism, but the Gear S3 and Sport moved away from this and instead used a traditional pin-based design that made the watches compatible with pretty much any ol’ watch band or strap that would fit.

Samsung Galaxy Watch design concept

We can’t be sure whether Samsung will, indeed, move to a proprietary design for one or both Galaxy Watch models, but if the FCC documentation is to be believed, this could be the case.

The image in the listing doesn’t provide any details about the sensors that will be embedded in the back of the device, but we are expecting an improved heart rate monitor and possibly even a blood pressure monitor.

Aside from this, we still don’t know a lot about the front of the Samsung Galaxy Watch, but going from the recent FCC listing, we decided to make some design renders, showing what the upcoming smartwatch could look like, at least shape-wise. But having said that, there's not a lot of waiting left until we see the Galaxy Watch for ourselves, as it is expected to make a debut at IFA this year.

Disclaimer: The images featured in this material have been made by PhoneArena and are based on preliminary information about the respective device(s), such as, but not limited to, factory CAD blueprints and live photos of the device(s), or accessories thereof. As such, the images found herein may not be fully representative of the final design of the device(s).


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